Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Ten Reasons Why I Love My Husband: Two months in

To my love,

Two months into our marriage, these are the top ten things I love about you:

1. You make the bed every morning without me ever asking.
2. You never lose hope in the fact that we are growing, and it's hard, but we'll get through it.
3. You are trying so hard to find a career that will provide for our family.
4. You love making smoothies.
5. You are faithful in reading your bible and encourage me to as well.
6. Sometimes you spontaneously decide to shark the floor.
7. You desire to know my heart and learn what makes me feel loved.
8. You are learning how to follow a recipe really well!
9. You keep tabs on what's happening in the world and fill me in.
10. You wake up every morning with me to make sure I feel loved before I head to work.

Here's to a million more good morning hugs and mango smoothies. 


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