Tuesday, June 5, 2012

It's a..................

And we couldn't be more over the moon excited.

Need to catch up?

Pregnancy Posts:

Weekly Updates:


  1. Congratulations!!!! You are going to have so much fun. I have to hold myself back from buying all of the adorable girlie clothes! Do you guys have any names picked out? Just curious, was baby girl the gender you thought based on the last ultrasound? So excited for you guys!

    1. Thank you!! I won't lie...I'm pretty excited for girl clothes :) YES, we did think it was a girl based off of our last ultrasound! When the nurse was measuring her femur we were able to get a straight shot of her bottom and didn't see a penis. We didn't know to look for the classic "three lines" at that point though, so we weren't for sure. This time we saw the three lines (and the ultrasound tech confirmed, of course)!

  2. Congratulations! I'm so excited for you. I'm currently 15 weeks pregnant and love reading about how things are progressing for you. We find out in about three weeks what we're having.

    1. I'm glad you're enjoying following along! The past few weeks have definitely been a tough wait :)


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